Brett Breeding
Brett Breeding is a very talented inker working with some of the finest artists in the industry such as Dan Jurgens & Ron Frenz. He has worked on titles such at Thor, Spidergirl, Superman, Spiderman and is currently working on DC style guides. You can view his commission rates & commission examples by clicking the link below.
Art By Title
Action Comics
Batman Hand colored print
Carol Ferris
Chemo Attacks
Chemo Attacks WB IPad Interactive book
Green Arrow 7
Green Arrow Corps
Green Lantern 5
Green Lantern D
Green Lantern I
Green Lantern K
Green Lantern L
Green Lantern M
Green Lantern P
Green Lantern S
Ironman : Spider Max Variant
Killer Croc
Kilowog E
Kilowog F
Reverse Flash
Reverse Flash 2
Robin Earth 2 Hand colored print
Shadow Demaon
Superman : Man of Tomorrow
Superman Cover
Superman Red / Superman Blue
Superman: Toppling Titano
Tomar Re - Green Lantern Corp '11
Tomar Re A
Tomar Re B
X- Deaths of Wolverine Variant